22 June 2009

Embedded Programs at PSU

As reported by the Penn State Newswire, our office is experiencing real growth in the realm of faculty-led short-term education abroad programs (which we call "embedded programs"). I have been managing the administration of these programs since November of last year, when the previous manager left.

Last year we had a little over 800 students study on embedded programs--this year we've had nearly 1000. While this increase is due to a number of factors - our office is broadening its reach to enfold programs that were previously not under our purview - it also reflects the increasing number of faculty members who are integrating international experiences into the curriculum of courses taught residentially at Penn State. This means that students who couldn't find the flexibility in their schedule to study abroad for an entire semester are now able to travel, if only for a couple of weeks. And a well-implemented short-term trip can be a valuable experience.

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