07 May 2007



After church on Sunday, 12 of us piled into two Land Cruisers and headed up to the first ridge of the Udzungwa Mountains, a few kilometers south of home. Armed with rolled chapatis, crisps, guacamole, and an array of climbing equipment, we had a picnic and then spent the afternoon exploring and rappelling ('abseiling' for those of you who don't read American English).

On the topic of differential English, when you hear the word "estate car", what is the first American equivalent that comes to mind?


tskd said...

company car?

also, i had no idea there was anything sheer high enough to rapell off of...that's really cool!

Ben said...

I think of rich people who have particular cars attached to different parts of their estates.

mike said...

I would say a car that just stays on the grounds of someone's residence, used to get around. Like on a tea plantation or something. That means that if we had an estate car right now, it would have to be small enough to fit in my hallway. Then I could drive from the couch to the bed when it was time to go sleepies at night. That would be so much cooler than walking to bed.

Whitfield said...

Closest equivalent... something similar to a personal jet. Estate car... estate jet... Like having your own personal limo or a car to ferry you around in.
Personally, though, I kind of like Mike's idea... grins
And I'm very jealous of your rappelling view. ;)
See you and Kat soon!!!