07 April 2006

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Today, Katrina & I:

1. lost $125 to faulty advertizing on Northwest Airlines' website.


2. purchased tickets to Denver for our Honeymoon in Breckenridge

3. discovered, toured, & put down the first month's rent on an apartment

...our FIRST apartment
(which Katrina will live in until the wedding)

photos to come!

It's been an expensive and rewarding day!


Anonymous said...

Was that what Katrina was talking about on the phone that I couldn't understand because of bad connection? My cell phone had low bat.

Please send pictures of the apartment ASAP!:) Glad for you guys!

You take great pictures, Paul.

Whitfield said...

ahh! hahaha grins i can't WAIT to see you!!!

Soy Peruano said...

Oh no! What was the faulty advertising!?