15 February 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

This is how we celebrate in Leonard 21: friends, pasta, salad, apple crisp, Gilmore Girls, and the Olympics.

The only thing missing was my Valentine. (Wewe, nakupenda SANA!)

Miss you Katrina
Kitchen Weapons
Your support staff @ Houghton


Michelle said...

Paul, what are you about to eat? You look like you're really hungry or like you're ready to attack any intruders that come through the door. And by the way, where do you live? I know it's somewhere in PA (I think...maybe...at least I know it's not Alaska or something)...just starting to think about Mayish plans...

Whitfield said...

aaAAWwww! grins
I can't wait to give both of you a great big hug!
love you both so much!

Paul said...

Michelle, you are right, I do indeed live in the illustrious state of Pennsyltucky. If you want to Google it, the name of the "town" is Rockton. If you are flying in, then depending on the date, the best airport is either Buffalo (3.5 hr) or Pittsburgh (2.5 hr).

Whitfield said...

by the way... i'm praying for you and your "crazy globe-trotting fiance"... grins

much love,